A bibliography prepared by Salman Akhtar, M.D.

and Enrico E. Jones, Ph.D.


Session 1: The cultural specificity of psychoanalytic theory and practice

1. Devereux, G. (1953). Cultural factors in psychoanalytic therapy. Journal of the American Psychoanalvtic Association. 1:629-655.

2. Kakar, S. (1985). Psychoanalysis and non-western cultures International Review of Psychoanalysis. 12:441-450.

3. Roland, A. (1996): How universal is the psychoanalytic self? In Reaching Across Boundaries of Culture and Class: Widening the Scope of Psvchotherapy. (Ed. R.P. Foster, M. Moskowitz, and R.A. Javier.), PP. Northvale, NJ:Jason Aronson.


Session 2:Transcultural and subcultural variations in childhood development

4. DeVos, G. (1982). Adaptive strategies in U.S. minorities. In Minoritv Mental Health (Ed. E.E. Jones, and S.J. Korchin), pp. 74-177, New York: Praeger.

5. Kirshner, S.R. (1990). The assenting echo: Anglo-american values in contemporary psychoanalytic developmental psychology. Social Research 57: 821-857.

6. Roland, A. (1994). Identity, self, and individualism in a multicultural perspective in Race, Ethnicity and Self (Ed. E.P. Salett and D.R. Koslow), pp. 11-23, Washington, D.C.: National Multicultural Institute.


Session 3: African-American identity and its psychosocial context

7. Erikson, E.H. (1968). Race and the wider identity. In Identity: Youth and Crisis, p. 295320, New York: W.W. Norton.

8. DuBois W.E.B. (1989). Of our spiritual strivings. In The Souls of Black Folk, pp. 3-12, New York: Penguin Books.

9. Apprey, M. (1993). The African American experience: forced immigration and the transgenerational trauma. Mind and Human Interaction 4:70-75.


Session 4: Biracial and bicultural childhood and adolescence

10. Cauce, A.M., Hiraga, Y., Mason, C., Aguilar, T., Ordonez, N. & Gonzalez, N. (1992). Between a rock and a hard place: Social adjustment of biracial youth. In P.P. Root (Ed.), Racially Mixed People-in America, pp. 207-238. United States: Sage Publications.

11. Wilson, A. (1987). Mixed Race Children, pp. 3863, 174-200. Great Britain: Billings and Sons, Ltd.

12. Miller, R.L. and Rotherman-Borus, m.i. (1994). Growing biracial in the United States. In Race, Ethnicity, and Self. (Ed. E.P. Salett, and D.R. Koslow), pp. 143-169, Washington, D.C.: National Multicultural Institute.


Session 5: The psychology of ethnic and racial prejudice

13. Freud, S. (1921). Group psychology and analysis of the ego. Standard Edition 16:65-143.

14. Volkan, V.D. (1988). The Need to Have-Enemies and Allies: From Clinical to International Relationships pp. 17-34, 74-98.Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson.


Session 6: Cultural, racial and ethnic difference between the analyst and the analysand

16. Jones, E.E. (1985). Psychotherapy and counseling with black clients. In Handbook for Cross-cultural Counseling and Therapy (Ed. P. Pedersen), pp. 173-179, Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.

17. Leary, K. (1995). interpreting in the dark: race and ethnicity in Psychoanalytic psychotherapy. Psychoanalytic Psychology 12: 127-140.

18. Thompson, C.L. (1995). Self-definition by opposition: a consequence of minority status. Psychoana1ytic Psychology 12: 533-545.


Session 7: Cultural racial and ethnic difference between the analyst and the analysand (continued).

19. Shapiro, E.T. and Pinsker, H. (1973). Shared ethnic scotoma. American Journal of Psychiatry 130:1338-1341.

20. Taylor, O.L. (1989). The effect of cultural assumptions on cross-cultural communications. In Crossing in Mental Health. (Ed. D.R. Koslow and E.P. Salett), pp. 18-27, Washington, D.C.:SIETAR International.

21. Jones, E.E. (in press). Psychoanalysis and African-Americans. In African-American Mental Health: Theory, Research. and Intervention (Ed. R.L. Jones), Hampton, VA: Cobb and Henry Publisher.


Session 8: Interracial analyses

22. Fischer, N. (1971). An interracial analysis: transference and countertransference significance. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 19:736-745.

23. Goldberg, E., et al. (1974). Some observations on three interracial analyses. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 55:495-500.

24. Holmes, D.E. (1992). Race and transference in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis 73:1-11.


Session 9: The issue of polylingualism and polyglottism

25. Flegenhimer, F. (1989). Languages and psycho-analysis: the polyglot patient and the polyglot analyst. International Review of PsvchoAnalysis 16:377-383.

26. Amati-Mehler, J. et al. (1993). The Babel of the Unconscious: Mother Tongue and Foreign Languages in the Psychoanalytic Dimension, pp. 19-66. Madison, CT: IUP.

27. Potamianou, A. (1993). In exile from the mother tongue. Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis 1:4759.


Session 10: Immigration and the analytic process

28. Garza-Guerrero, A.C. (1974). Culture shock: Its mourning and vicissitudes of identity. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 22: 408-429.

29. Grinberg, L. and Grinberg, R. (1989).Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Migration and Exile., pp. 10-15, 67-73, 99-134, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

30. Akhtar, S. (1995). A third individuation: Immigration, identity, and the psychoanalytic process. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 43:1051-1084.



1. Freeman, Daniel, M.D. Emotional Refueling in Development, Mythology, and Cosmology: The Japanese Separation-Individuation Experience (Discussion by Calvin Settlage, M.D.). Colors of Childhood. Ed. Akhtar & Kramer. Jason Aronson, 1998.

2. Miles, Carlotta, M.D. Mothers and Others: Bonding Separation - Individuation and Resultant Ego Development in Different African-American Cities (Discussion by Salmar Akhtar, M.D.). Colors of Childhood. Ed. Akhtar & Kramer. Jason Aronson, 1998.

3. Mehat, Puinima, M.D. The Emergence, Conflicts and Integration of the Bicultural Self: Psychoanalysis of an Adolescent Daughter of South Asian Immigrant Parents (Discussion by Jennifer Benovitz, Ph.D.). Colors of Childhood. Ed. Akhtar & Kramer. Jason Aronson, 1998.